Having to convert your part time job into something you can do full time is not an easy thing to do. Among the common advice you may get from people when doing this process is to work harder than how you are doing now as well as to impress your boss. This article however will teach you of a better way on how you can convert that part time to a full time job without much effort and butt-kissing your boss. Here are some easy advice with regard to shifting a job which is part time to full time.
Be sure to ask the right questions regarding how you can change your part time status to full time. The right questions would be to ask Is there a chance that Ill get this job full time?" If yes, what can I do to get it? While you think of your question, you need to make sure you ask these to someone with the authority or knowledge to provide you with a promotion or someone who can help you shift your part time job to full time in your company.
Make proposals
Doing this process requires confidence and of course a good proposal. Along with the things you can include in your proposals are ideas on how you can enhance workflow as well as increase production and even enhance work safety. Also, make sure to include in your proposal that having your in full time position would mean the success of the proposed changes, revisions or plans.
Ask nicely
There is also a good reason to ask your boss for a full time position if youve shown good performance on your part time job. If you want to ask nicely from your boss then you would need to start off with positive things about the company and how it helped you hone your skills further. Then, you can mention how you are now able to handle bigger responsibilities in the company. An example of what you can say during this process would be "this company has been of great help in discovering my skills, I feel that I am now equipped with enough skills and knowledge to handle this job full time". As final statements you can come up with "With these responsibilities I'll be able to provide you with better service/productivity."
You would also need a sum of deep interest if you are about to shift from a part time job to a full time job. Simply show the boss that you have the right to have your part time job to full time through your actions. As soon as these bosses see and find how you love your work they will then think that losing someone as hard working as you would mean a loss to the company. If a promotion or extension of your part time job to long term job is really not possible despite your efforts you should not lose hope as youre bosses can still refer you to his or her friends or other companies. Again, just be sure to ask nicely.
Be sure to ask the right questions regarding how you can change your part time status to full time. The right questions would be to ask Is there a chance that Ill get this job full time?" If yes, what can I do to get it? While you think of your question, you need to make sure you ask these to someone with the authority or knowledge to provide you with a promotion or someone who can help you shift your part time job to full time in your company.
Make proposals
Doing this process requires confidence and of course a good proposal. Along with the things you can include in your proposals are ideas on how you can enhance workflow as well as increase production and even enhance work safety. Also, make sure to include in your proposal that having your in full time position would mean the success of the proposed changes, revisions or plans.
Ask nicely
There is also a good reason to ask your boss for a full time position if youve shown good performance on your part time job. If you want to ask nicely from your boss then you would need to start off with positive things about the company and how it helped you hone your skills further. Then, you can mention how you are now able to handle bigger responsibilities in the company. An example of what you can say during this process would be "this company has been of great help in discovering my skills, I feel that I am now equipped with enough skills and knowledge to handle this job full time". As final statements you can come up with "With these responsibilities I'll be able to provide you with better service/productivity."
You would also need a sum of deep interest if you are about to shift from a part time job to a full time job. Simply show the boss that you have the right to have your part time job to full time through your actions. As soon as these bosses see and find how you love your work they will then think that losing someone as hard working as you would mean a loss to the company. If a promotion or extension of your part time job to long term job is really not possible despite your efforts you should not lose hope as youre bosses can still refer you to his or her friends or other companies. Again, just be sure to ask nicely.
About the Author:
My business is a long time careers in addition to task blog,I am a contributor to I am a contributor to http://upjobs.jimdo.com exactly where we all speak about diverse work as well as out-of-doors. Have a look at each of our most up-to-date learning resource on At your home computer jobs and Awesome jobs for people who like pets.
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