By Gary Mitchell

Turntables are of different prices because they differ in features. They are revolving plates that hold phonographic record when being played. The needle is made up of a diamond tip that originates from the cartilage and moves around the record groove. Replacement turntable stylus that is a new one enhances high-quality sound production. And an old and a worn out needle is likely to damage the record and also produce a sound of low quality.

Having a brand new stylus will increase the quality of sound produced. The difference in types of needles present means difference in the quality of sound produced. Elliptical one have the best sound production compared to conical and spherical ones.

The stylus with a tiny tip is the choice of many. This is because it fits into the groove appropriately. Buy one that has high contact with groove but minimal wear on the grove. This ensures that the sound is of high quality and also extends the life of the record.

The high-quality sound producing stylus are always more costly than others. Good care and protection of it will prolong the time of quality playback. Dust and small debris damage it. There are special needle brushes that help in the cleaning it. When replacing a turntable stylus, the following items are required. Tweezers, force gauge, a screw driver, a pair of needle-nose pliers, a replacement cartridge, a replacement needle and a steady hand too.

During the process of cartilage replacement, remove its carrier if it is removable. Then make sure you observe the model together with the make of both the turntable and the stylus. Ensure that the parts to replace with are of the same make and same model. Use the needle-nose-pliers to remove the old needle. Then replace it with a new one.

On removing the old cartilage from the carrier, replace it with a brand new one. But before installing it, it is very important to remove the needle. Once you have replaced the cartilage rewiring is done. Replacing the stylus then follows. The carrier is then returned to its original position. The gauge of the turntable helps in the alignment of the turntable. Then tighten the cartilage to its carrier.

Then set the best tracking force to enhance efficiency. The dial is adjusted to most appropriate tracking force for those having an inbuilt scale for tracking force. The arm height is set in such a way that it is parallel to the surface of the platter on play. By this time, the system should be playing high-quality sound than before during the replacement.

Consider various factors when replacing a turntable. Compare the cost of one to the amount you have. Make your mind whether to buy a belt drive or a direct drive turntable. Consider whether to have either a manual or an automatic one. The make of cartilage that is commonly available in electronic shops is the best to buy for easy replacement.

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