By Laura Robinson

The world is not always an entirely clean place. In fact, a lot of the times, it can get pretty filthy. Now, in humans, that filth can be dealt with pretty easily. Some soap and water, and the person is good to go. The principle is the same when it comes to automotive vehicles. They get dirty, so they get sprayed down by water and then lathered up with soap. Then the soap is rinsed off again. Now, soft cloth car wash systems can get that particular task done.

Before anything else, it should be explained just what exactly a car is. Its a lot like the chariots and carriages of old. But instead of being drawn by horses, they are powered by internal combustion engines. And instead of being made of fancy wood, their bodies are generally made of aluminum.

Cars are used for pretty much just one thing. Getting from point A to point B. It is faster than walking, and the extra trunk space means that more items can be carried. In the past, pretty much everything had to be carried on the back. Not anymore.

A car wash is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. That would be a business establishment wherein a terrestrial vehicle may be cleaned up. This often entails soap and water, and then some wax.

There be numerous reasons for cars to get dirty. Dirt is in the air. Because it is in the air, it is basically everywhere. Because it is so abundant, it can stick to basically anything and everything. That includes cars. It may not be a problem at first, but it can build up to the point of looking unseemly.

There are a lot of reasons to clean a vehicle. Because cars are often status symbols, and thus, reflective on their owners, a dirty one can reflect badly on the owner. The second thing is that it is just unseemly to leave a vehicle in a state of filth of an extended period of time.

Car washes will be pretty easy to find. This is mostly because of the existence of the internet. Pretty much everything is going to be on it. So typing some keywords into a search bar and then pressing ENTER should be more than enough to locate one. Then there are GPS apps, which should also find whatever is needed, provided there is an internet connection.

Now, money is going to be an issue. It was never not going to be a factor that should be taken into consideration. Because businesses need it to survive, they will have to charge a fee for the services which they provide. If they fail to make enough of it, then they can cease to exist entirely. This means a loss for the community it is in because it provides at least a few jobs.

Simplicity is not the way of life. At least that is how it is supposed to be. But the natural order has nothing on human willpower.

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