By Stephanie Miller

By pretty much every modern standard, the world used to be empty. However, the world was not empty. If it were, then humanity would not have even survived a single generation. There was plenty of nature around, and due to its presence, humanity got to wander around it for the majority of its time in existence. They got to be nomads who went about hunting and gathering. But they eventually settled down. They fabricated a new society, one that required a lot of power. But the infrastructure that delivers that power requires upkeep and maintenance, and the people that do that, to some extent, are specialized pipeline drivers.

Speaking of running water, it uses a series of pipes. Well, a pipeline is kind of like that. It is a series of pipes, except that the typical pipe is generally large enough for a person to slide through.

Now, pipelines have a task. And that task is extremely important. This is because the modern world is powered by gas and fossil fuels, and that is how those resources get to where they need to go.

It should also be explained what drivers do. In the simplest possible terms, they drive. That is it. That is what they do. They clamber into the seat behind the wheel, stick the key into the ignition, turn it, and then they go.

The reason they have to be used is simple. The resources and equipment that it takes to maintain even a single mile of pipeline can be rather hefty in nature. So there has to be truck used to carry it. Now, that truck is not just going to start moving under its own power. It has to be compelled to move by an outside entity.

Finding such drivers is not going to be a task that presents itself with an adverse amount of difficulty. The reason for this is the internet. Posting a job opening online should be more than enough to find applicants who want to become a driver.

But money is going to be an object. This is because money is the primary motivator that gets people out of bed in the morning. It is why they sacrifice around eight hours of their day rendering labor. Because they need the paycheck that is attached to the position. Because they are people and they have all the same needs as anyone else, and getting the things to meet those needs requires some money.

But they should also know what they are going. No one expect driving that is on par with that of a racer. But the ability to not crash and kill people is a must.

The world is built on modern comfort. But that comfort does not appear by magic. No, it has to be created, sometimes from scratch.

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